Arm Lift

Arm Lift Surgery in Westchester County & NYC
Serving Patients in Putnam county, White Plains, Yonkers, New Rochelle, & Mount Vernon
As a superbly trained and highly experienced New York City cosmetic surgery specialist, Dr. Greenwald offers a range of sophisticated body contouring procedures. One of the body enhancement treatments his patients request more often is arm lift. This procedure removes excess skin and fatty tissue from the upper arms, creating a more youthful appearance. Explore the paragraphs below to learn more about the talented NYC / Westchester County arm lift surgeon, Dr. Joshua Greenwald, and his treatment philosophy.
Arm Lift Surgery
Dr. Greenwald performs arm lift for individuals who have excess tissue on their upper arms due to aging or massive weight loss. While exercise can tone the muscles of the upper arms, no amount of push-ups can remove the excess skin. Fortunately, today’s advances in plastic surgery allow patients to achieve the taut, youthful arm appearance they desire.
When performing arm lift surgery, Dr. Greenwald creates small incisions in the armpits and/or along the inside of the upper arms. He then carefully removes the excess skin and fatty tissue and closes the incisions. After the procedure is completed, special bandages are applied to the arms. Complete recovery after an arm lift surgery typically requires several weeks, after which time patients typically notice a significant improvement in the way clothes fit their arms and a great increase in their self-confidence.
Dr. Greenwald and his team of dedicated medical professionals treat all of their patients with the utmost attentiveness and respect. This approach helps reduce the anxiety of their liposuction, SmartLipo and thigh lift patients, which in turn helps lead to better treatment results. Other individuals Dr. Greenwald and his team treat more often include tummy tuck, mommy makeover and lower body lift patients. Please visit the respective pages to learn more about these procedures.
What Does Arm Lift Cost?
Arm lift surgery with experienced plastic surgeon Dr. Greenwald differs by person based on several factors, including each patient’s unique anatomy and cosmetic goals; how complex the surgical procedure is; and if the patient has opted to have liposuction as part of the procedure. However, the costs ordinarily associated with arm lift surgery are: the plastic surgeon’s fee, the anesthesiologist’s fee and the operating room cost.
If you would like more information about arm lift, schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Greenwald, the board certified plastic surgeon men and women trust in NYC, Westchester County and Fairfield County, including Greenwich and Stamford, CT. Book your appointment by calling (914) 421-0113 today.