Common Concerns about Breast Enhancement

Having breast augmentation is a huge decision that requires a lot of thoughtful consideration. It is completely normal to have some concerns when thinking about your breast augmentation options. In fact, it would be unusual not to have a concern or two! Fortunately, any trustworthy plastic surgeon, including Dr. Joshua Greenwald, is prepared to address […]

The Most Misunderstood Plastic Surgery Procedures

It is not uncommon for some patients to seek one plastic surgery procedure, only to find out that they may actually be in need of another. New York cosmetic surgeon Dr. Joshua Greenwald does his utmost to educate his patients on what their procedure of choice can and cannot do. In this blog post, he […]

Reshape Your Body in Time for Summer

Are you looking forward to showing off a slim, sexy physique on a weekend in the Hamptons or a vacation down to Florida? If diet and exercise have failed to give you the figure you desire, body sculpting with New York plastic surgeon Joshua Greenwald can help. The key is to plan your surgery far […]

How Dr. Greenwald Can Create a More Attractive Facial Profile

Some people feel self-conscious of their facial side profile from a young age, whereas others are disappointed to watch the effects of aging obscure it over time. Regardless of the cause of your specific concerns, Dr. Joshua Greenwald offers a variety of procedures that can help you achieve a beautiful and youthful looking facial profile. […]

Breast Augmentation & Nipples: What You Need to Know

It is very common for women having breast augmentation to wonder how the procedure will affect the shape of their nipples (if at all). To satisfy inquiring minds, Dr. Joshua Greenwald has compiled a piece addressing these common questions. But before diving into the “Q & As,” Dr. Greenwald wants to clarify the proper vernacular. […]

Preventing “Sleep Wrinkles”

Slowing down the aging process is always a popular topic among Dr. Joshua Greenwald’s patients. Many want to know how they can minimize these pesky lines and prevent future lines from forming. Dr. Greenwald offers insight into what are known as “sleep wrinkles,” explaining how they are different from expression wrinkles and the steps to […]

How to Attain an Hourglass Figure

A round and curvy hourglass is considered by many to be the most desirable female body shape. Unfortunately, very few women are born with or develop an hourglass shape all on their own. Patients trust to help them achieve a classic hourglass figure with a generous bust, curvaceous lower body and well-defined waistline. Here, Dr. […]

Breast Reduction: Am I an Ideal candidate?

When people think of plastic surgery, they often think of elective procedures such as breast augmentation and liposuction performed to cosmetically enhance their physique. However, plastic surgical procedures oftentimes are not so glamorous and are considered medically necessary to a certain group of patients. One of the most common plastic/reconstructive surgeries is a breast reduction. Women […]

What is a Mommy Makeover?

As plastic surgery becomes more popular and less taboo, there are many procedure and treatment terms that can be confusing to people researching plastic surgery options. In some instances, procedures can even have multiple meanings, which only adds confusion to patients wanting to educate themselves on their plastic surgery options. One procedure in particular that […]