The cost of plastic surgery is one factor most patients need to consider when deciding whether or not to pursue a specific cosmetic surgery procedure. The cost of cosmetic surgery varies depending on the type of procedure and the plastic surgeon’s geographic location. There are also several other variables that can come into play.
You may be familiar with the concept of mommy makeover surgery, which is not a specific surgery but rather a combination of multiple surgical procedures designed to make over moms who have excess, lax skin and weakened muscles in the midsection, and smaller, flatter or droopier breasts, all due to child rearing. However, do you […]
Plastic surgery New York provider Joshua A. Greenwald, MD, FACS, was recently appointed chief of the division of plastic surgery at White Plains Hospital in White Plains, N.Y. Referring to Dr. Greenwald and a few of his distinguished colleagues, Michael Palumbo, M.D., executive vice president and medical director at White Plains Hospital said, “I’m so […]
Most everyone knows that smoking can lead to a host of negative consequences, including an increased risk of cancer, vascular disease (heart and circulatory problems) and emphysema. Smoking also causes signs of premature aging such as decreased skin elasticity, which can lead to wrinkles and sagging skin.
It is becoming increasingly popular for teenagers who are embarrassed with a certain body part to request plastic surgery to correct the bothersome physical trait. Skeptics say that it is inappropriate for those under the age of 18 to undergo plastic surgery. Nonetheless, there is an emerging consensus among plastic surgery professionals and parents that […]
Aging, gravity, sun exposure, pollution exposure and hereditary factors can all cause visible signs of damage on the face. Skin may start to lose elasticity and sag. Wrinkles form. Brown or dark spots appear on the skin.
A common complaint that Dr. Joshua Greenwald hears is, “I look older than I feel.” Unfortunately, as individuals age, they may find that their skin is starting to sag or lose elasticity. Jowls may become more prominent. Cheeks may seem flatter than they previously did, or deep nasolabial folds (i.e., smile lines) may emerge. One […]
Dr. Joshua Greenwald reminds patients that liposuction is not a tool for major weight loss. Instead, liposuction is intended to contour the body. Therefore, patients who are about to undergo liposuction surgery should be close to their desired body weight.
Breast implant manufacturers do not consider breast implants to be lifetime devices. In fact, many manufacturers only guarantee their breast implants for 10 years. However, individual patients may find that their breast implants have long-outlasted the manufacturer’s warranty period. In these cases, most plastic surgeons agree that patients do not need to replace breast implants […]
Choosing a plastic surgeon to perform your breast augmentation surgery is one of the most important decisions you can make. While breast augmentation surgery is gaining popularity and can help you obtain the body and self-image that you desire, it is still a surgical procedure with inherent risks. Therefore, your choice of cosmetic surgeons should […]