Male vs. Female Breast Reduction

Breast reduction is not exclusively for women; it can also help men with large breasts feel more confident and comfortable in their own skin. But how similar are the male breast reduction and female breast reduction procedures? Does Dr. Joshua Greenwald take the same surgical approach to both? Not quite.   Read on as Dr. […]

Making Healthy Choices this Holiday Season

The holidays can be a challenging season for anyone trying to stick to a diet and exercise routine. But by planning ahead and making good choices, you can stay active and healthy during this busy time of year. Read on as Dr. Joshua Greenwald reveals his best tips for making healthy choices during the holiday […]

Breast Implant Placement: Over versus Under the Chest Muscle

If you have decided to have breast augmentation, you and your surgeon have some important choices to make. You must select your implant size/shape, your surgical incision location and your implant location. Your surgeon can place your implants either under or over your pectoralis (chest) muscle. Read on as our experienced plastic surgeon, Dr. Joshua […]

Why Are More Men Having Plastic Surgery?

Women aren’t the only ones that want to look trim and youthful — plastic surgeons have noticed that more men than ever are pursuing cosmetic treatment to help them accomplish their aesthetic goals. Whether that involves reshaping the nose through rhinoplasty, eliminating excess body weight through liposuction or softening the signs of facial aging with […]

Mommy Makeover for a Happier Mother

Mothers have an innate selflessness and desire to take care of everyone else before taking care of themselves. If you have children, you might dream of improving your body with cosmetic surgery but ignore your desires — or worse, feel guilty about spending time, money and effort on yourself. Dr. Joshua Greenwald, a trusted plastic […]

Can the Effects of Dermal Fillers Be Reversed?

Dermal fillers are a helpful way for those that are starting to see signs of aging, but don’t yet need surgical intervention. They can be used to fill in deep wrinkles and creases, and restore youthful looking volume to the temples, cheeks and lips. When administered by a plastic surgeon or a qualified nurse or […]

Common Aesthetic Concerns among Men

There’s a common misconception that plastic surgery is performed exclusively for women. If the waiting room in Dr. Joshua Greenwald’s office is any indication of the typical plastic surgeon’s demographic, this information is highly inaccurate. Virtually every day, Dr. Greenwald meets men that want cosmetic treatment to look as good as they feel. In this […]

Reshape Your Body in Time for Summer

Are you looking forward to showing off a slim, sexy physique on a weekend in the Hamptons or a vacation down to Florida? If diet and exercise have failed to give you the figure you desire, body sculpting with New York plastic surgeon Joshua Greenwald can help. The key is to plan your surgery far […]

How Dr. Greenwald Can Create a More Attractive Facial Profile

Some people feel self-conscious of their facial side profile from a young age, whereas others are disappointed to watch the effects of aging obscure it over time. Regardless of the cause of your specific concerns, Dr. Joshua Greenwald offers a variety of procedures that can help you achieve a beautiful and youthful looking facial profile. […]

What Not To Do the Night before Your Breast Augmentation

These days there is an abundance of information available for women wanting to properly prepare for breast augmentation surgery. Most of it focuses on what you can do to prep your body for the operation. This is only one side of the coin. Knowing what not to do is just as important! Here, Joshua Greenwald, […]